Our labs enjoying the bluebells

Our labs enjoying the bluebells

Thursday 6 October 2011

Dog Friendly Off-Motorway Services

When travelling on longer journeys it can be tricky to find suitable places to break your journey. On some motorway service areas a nice patch of green grass for your dog to stretch its legs on (and do its business on, clearing up afterwards of course!) is a rare thing and packed, noisy, ultra-busy service station carparks can be a scary prospect for many dogs.

Plus 2 Dogs labrador Meg enjoying some fresh air.

Plus 2 Dogs has, of course, come across some exceptions including:
  • Westmorland Services, Junction 38, M6, Cumbria - separate 'woodland walk' dog exercise areas, north and south bound, away from cars and noise - excellent!
  • Annandale Water Services, Junction 16, A74(M), South Scotland - large grass areas and walks around lake at back of services - lots of green space!
So when we came across The Garden Centre Group website which is, as the name suggests, a collection of English garden centres, and their idea of being 'off-motorway service areas' we liked the idea of somewhere away from the main road where you and your dogs can take a break.

According to their website all of their centres are dog friendly and have "substantial traffic free outdoor areas where dogs can have a run around.''

So, next time you're travelling on an A road it might be worth checking out their website and seeing if there are any suitable dog friendly garden centres on your route.

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