Our labs enjoying the bluebells

Our labs enjoying the bluebells

Tuesday 4 October 2011

 From Heart Research UK-

Dog Owners Are Healthier

Your four legged friend may be more than a faithful companion, he may also lead the way to a healthier, happier and longer life.  If you own a dog and walk him regularly, not only do you walk more but you are around 40% more likely than the average pooch free pedestrian to take part in other moderate physical activity, such as; gardening, golf, running and aerobics, improving your heart health and helping it beat for longer.
  - Dogs love their daily walks and make a great motivator for you.  Without the bark of a dog to get you out of the door on a dark morning you might be tempted to hit snooze when the alarm goes off.  Give in to the wet nose in your face and playful wagging tail telling you to get out and walk now, now, now. If you do disappoint your pet, you’ll only get those sad puppy dog eyes.
 - Kick start the day with a heart healthy walk with your canine companion.  Any brisk walk of at least 10 minutes can count towards your recommended 30 minutes a day and is equal to around 1,000 steps.  Up the pace of dog walks and reap the benefits in a reduced waistline and stronger heart.  Playing games like Frisbee and tug of war will keep that tail wagging and keep your heart working towards a healthier you.
  - A dog can make the ideal running or cycling buddy. Unlike a friend or colleague, a man’s best friend won’t cancel on you, give excuses, moan about the weather or slack off the pace.  
  - Interaction with your four legged friend helps boosts endorphins and lowers stress levels, which is great news for your mental health as well as your blood pressure.
  - 31% of households in the UK. If you have a canine companion at your heels, make sure you take the lead and get outside with your pooch.  Not only will this keep your dog fit and healthy, but it will keep you in great shape and reduce your risk of heart disease.
  - If you don’t own a dog then why not offer to help at your nearest shelter for abandoned and mistreated dogs?  Having a commitment will help you maintain the regular exercise that your heart and your new found friend need. Find your nearest dog walk through Dogs Trust http://www.waggywalks.org.uk/

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